Wave DNA- Painting Music


The inhibiting forces of writers block fades away when they are faced with Liquid Music, Wave DNA’s sequel to Liquid Rhythm. The Ableton-geared plugin uses a completely original workflow that allows you to paint melodies and chord progressions effortlessly. Instead of dabbling with a multitude of ideas, you can easily draw inspiration from the melodic patterns you create in minutes.


[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjb4U-cUGSE” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” modestbranding=”yes”]


Liquid Music has five different musical controls: sketch, key, chords, voices, and rhythm. With these five key elements you have an intricate control over what you create. Sketch is the most powerful tool of the five, which you use to draw out your musical notation, choosing whether you want it to be anything from a bass line, to a accompaniment, or a chord progression. You can choose what types of chords you would like, (minor, major, diminished etc.,) and shape exactly how they are rhythmically laid out.

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(Chord Creator)

It seems that Liquid Music’s goal was to create a tool which could be used to avoid the musical intricacies of composition, so that you can create a starting point quicker. Since it is fully integrated with Ableton Live, production can take off twice as quick and every project kicks off with an idea and direction.

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(Rhythm Sequencer)

 You can buy Liquid Music for life for $199.00, or test it out with there trial run. A good tool to have if you are trying to focus on the production aspect of your music. Find out more about liquid Music here, at there site.

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